Earlier this year, we announced our participation in the VISUM 2021 edition. This challenge will act as a starting point for exploring the recommendation of complementary products, allowing the integration of a baseline in the iFetch project, which our partners are investigating at Instituto Superior Tecnico.
We have implemented a baseline that served as a starting point for students’ development. The top-performing solutions were selected for presentation on Friday, July 09, 2021, where the winning was awarded 3 FARFETCH vouchers (150€ each, sponsored by FARFETCH + 3 VISUM 2022 registrations).
Figure: Illustration of the outfit complementary product retrieval problem
This fantastic experience energized our team. In addition, the vibrant environment of the event allowed us to exchange several ideas and disseminate the novel project that FARFETCH is leading: Multimodal Conversational Agents for the Online Fashion Marketplace. If you want to know more about this project competition, kindly check in the FARFETCH Tech blog.